APLO Joint Training 2024 took place between July 8th – 14th 2024. 92 students from 15 countries and regions participated.

Training schedule:

July 8thVlad A. NeacșuOpening Ceremony
Richard HudsonThe Architecture of Language
July 9thMaria KonoshenkoTonal Morphology
Ethan ChiCross-Linguistics Typology
July 10thKazune SatoSyntactic Movement and Focus
OnLing Problem CommitteeHow to Create a Linguistics Problem?
July 11thIvan DerzhanskiSemantics
Vlad A. NeacșuPreparation for Students’ Presentations
July 12thTamila Krashtan & Kazune SatoStudents’ presentations
July 13thPanawat Tiacharoen & Vlad A. NeacșuStudents’ presentations
July 14thMinkyu KimClosing Ceremony
General APLO Meeting

As part of the training, students were split into groups and had to give a presentation on a linguistics-related topic. The students’ presentations were:

Atlantic-Congo Language FamilySofia Soto (🇨🇴), Li-Bang Chen (🇹🇼), Hanzhe Wang (🇯🇵), Ostap Drushchak (🇺🇦), Emma Čapková (🇨🇿), Elena Păvăloaia (🇷🇴)
Linguistic AmbiguityYijin Gui (🇨🇳), Bo-Siang Chen (🇹🇼), Yuji Hokugo (🇯🇵), Tan Junheng (🇸🇬), Denys Tereshchenko (🇺🇦)
ReduplicationWen Feiran (🇨🇳), Cheng-You Ko (🇹🇼), Chihiro Hachiya (🇯🇵), Jaeden Soon Chuankai (🇸🇬), Yegor Glukhikh (🇰🇿), Luiza Mihai (🇷🇴)
Typology of Rap RhymingHe Jianxing (🇨🇳), Yu-Chiao Liao (🇹🇼), Ryusei Omiya (🇯🇵), Yutong Heng (🇸🇬), Yelizar Yessenkulov (🇰🇿), Karina Stăncescu (🇷🇴)
Austronesian AlignmentGuo Tianyuan (🇨🇳), Keigo Yoshioka (🇯🇵), Narongrith Artnarongrith (🇹🇭), Oleksandra Gol’dina (🇺🇦), Sophia Davis Morris (🇨🇦), Ioana Barbu (🇷🇴)
Forensic LinguisticsYiling Jiang (🇨🇳), Kateryna Berehulyak (🇺🇦), Emma Suomalainen (🇫🇮)
Morphological BorrowingZhu Yucheng (🇨🇳), Pitchayapa Cusinsup (🇹🇭), Vítek Černý (🇨🇿)
Polysynthetic LanguagesLi Zhengze (🇨🇳), Cheng Dylan Shiying (🇸🇬), Siravit Sriboonjareanchai (🇹🇭)
Grammatical CasePo-Hsiang Wang (🇹🇼), Animikha Dutta Dhar (🇮🇳), Lim Ming Wen (🇲🇾), Liu Jiahong (🇨🇳), Daniel Lin (🇭🇰)
KinshipSamantha Kao (🇹🇼), Tan Yu Xuan (🇲🇾), Margarita Carranza (🇨🇴), John Choi (🇭🇰)
Noun CasesJen-Chien Hou (🇹🇼), Shrilakshmi Venkatraman (🇮🇳), Leang Kar Men (🇲🇾), Mariana Aguirre (🇨🇴), Maxwell Ji (🇭🇰)
EvidentialityEric Wu (🇹🇼), Adib Asyraf Bin Abdul Aziz (🇲🇾), Maria Ramos (🇨🇴), Miroslav Havel (🇨🇿)